"We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and
their projects . . . We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam
construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to
wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres of presently settled land."
-David Foreman, founder of Earth First! and co-founder of the
Wildlands Project of which the
California Wilderness Campaign
is a part of
"To quell violence and disorder, to repulse barbarians and brigands, to
rescue living souls from agony and torture, to save the nation from imminent
downfall, these are the true ends of Humanity and Righteousness."
-Yoshida Shoin
In light of current world events, in which statement do you find the most
comfort? In which statement do you find the salvation of - and continuation
of - the United States of America and our freedom?
The Sierra Club and Center for Biological Diversity's (CBD) goal to remove
access to our Forests is just part of the campaign to change our society to
their idea of environmental nirvana. What is the predominant economic and
political ideology of the leadership of the environmental movement? What
effect will this ideology and its' implementation have on our country's
future as well as our economic standing in the world?
If you missed our past Forest Plan Updates:
What's at Stake Part I (fire management)
What's at Stake Part II (roads/Access)
What's at Stake Part III (mountain biking)
What's at Stake Part IV (Vision)
What's at Stake Part V (The Wildlands Project)
you can view them on our web site by clicking on drop down list at the top of this page
Most Americans are unaware of the economic and political agenda of the
environmental movement - as well as its ultimate effect on them. This
ignorance has manifested itself as apathy towards our freedom; an apathy
that is letting our freedom slowly slip away.
Freedom does not bind itself automatically or permanently to those unwilling
to nurture it. Freedom is like the flame of a fire that is not fed; like the
fire, unless fed and nurtured, freedom will die a slow death.
The environmental movement's disdain for our political/economic system, the
very system that provides the funds for their supporters to donate and make
their radical proposals possible, has been documented.
"If we don't overthrow capitalism, we don't stand a chance of saving the
world ecologically. I think it's possible to have an ecologically sound
society under socialism. I don't think it's possible under capitalism."
-Jodi Bari - EarthFirst!
From the statements they've commonly made, the impression is they see
America and our place in our world as the root of all evil and environmental
degradation. While I do not debate that we are the current great power, i.e.
"Leviathan," in the world, I do not see us as the perpetrators of all that
is evil in the world.
Are we perfect? NO! But the fact we can openly debate this issue is a sign
of freedom, not evil. In many countries the open debate or opposition to the
government's policies can have you jailed - or worse. What I find comfort in
is our ability to self-reflect, and change direction, sometimes radically,
other times slowly. Reason must rule in order for this open debate to work
and society to advance. Ideologies must be exposed and not hidden behind
emotionally appealing slogans such as "Protect and Restore our Forests!"
As the mainstream environmental movement rails against "Big Business," and
any form of resource recovery, making our economy increasingly dependent on
sources of raw materials outside our country, have they ever addressed how
we will compete against the growing economy of China and others that are
allowing the freedom and self-determination that they wish to take away from
"China has 700 million people. It is not a great power today. But in twenty
years, it will be a great power and in fifty years it will be an enormous
-General Charles de Gaulle - 1967
It is interesting to view China's growth as the government allows more
personal and economic freedom, which began with reforms in the late 70's
when their leaders realized the futility of their Socialist/Communist
economy. After 30+ years of growing freedom (and not without loss of life at
Tiananmen Square), China's citizens are developing a love of it. The central
government has let the genie of freedom out of the bottle to a people that
are hungry for it. Like a gathering storm; they will not be able to control
it or stop it.
"No arsenal or no weapon in the arsenals of the world is so formidable as
the will and moral courage of free men and women."
-Ronald Reagan
China has a growing economy and military. In the future will China replace
us as the greatest power in the world, the "Leviathan," by throwing off the
very economic/political shackles that the environmental movement wishes to
place on us? Do we truly appreciate and understand the freedom we are
blessed with?
"Today Asia has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fastest growing
regions in the world and has surpassed Europe as America's No. 1 trading
partner. Over the past three decades, China has awakened and seeks to
reassume its historic position as one of the great nations of the world,
while Japan's economy has risen and fallen."
-Ambassador John R. Malott President of the World Affairs Council of Orange
County - From a 2002 article in the Orange County Register
India's economy is growing near the same rate because they've mimicked China
and are abandoning the Socialist policies that today's environmentalists
want us to adopt.
"...In recent years, India has developed space rockets able to place
satellites into orbit, while it has simultaneously developed short and
medium range missiles capable of hitting targets in neighboring Pakistan or
-From a Sunday, June 20, 2004 O.C. Register Associated Press article titled
"U.S. India to discuss space cooperation"
The economies of the large European nations are feeling the net effects of
Socialism. Germany and France's economies are in decline and crippled,
hobbled by the Socialist policies that China and India are abandoning. In
2003 (est.) the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the largest European
nations, except Britain, grew weakly, with France GDP at .10 percent and
Germany's at -.10 percent. In 2003 (est.) the U.S. GDP grew 3.10 percent and
China's GDP growth was 9.10 percent. Only Britain, a Socialist leaning
country (which does not have as extensive social benefits), has shown any
real growth at 2.10 percent:
(I suggest you check the data on this web site and other economic web sites
to confirm the information contained in this alert)
"I think that there's certainly a case for trying to involve countries as
self-evidently important as China and India in discussions on these issues."
-Statement made by British Prime Minister Tony Blair on June 10th, 2004 at
the G8 Summit as quoted in the June 11th 2004 issue of the Orange County
Unemployment in France is 9.8 percent; Germany, 10.5 percent; Spain, 11.4
percent; the U.S. 5.7 percent. Germany, Europe's largest economy, has
averaged just 1.3 percent growth over the last 10 years, the U.S. 3.3
percent. Europe's state run retirement and health-care systems are near
The citizens of Germany and France have forgotten that freedom does not mean
the government becomes your keeper. It is the opposite, freedom means not
having the government take care of you. Only a slave expects the former. As
Germany and France try to reform their political and economic structure,
their people, like infants dependant on others to change their diapers and
feed them their bottle, are unwilling to accept responsibility for their own
Has the environmental movement spelled out what our economy and world
standing would be under their economic and governmental policies? Will they
leave us at the mercy of other countries that do not share their naïve
viewpoints on government, the projection of power and economic
sustainabliity? Will we share the current fate of Germany and France - or
What will be the effect on our freedom if we adopt their economic and
political ideology as well as lock up our public lands, stopping all
resource recovery? How will this affect our economy, standard of living, and
the power we project in this rapidly changing world? Can we count on China
or other rising powers to hobble their economies in the same manner as the
environmental movement wishes to do to us?
It is important to protect the environment, but we must not discount the
importance in protecting our economy, which makes protecting the environment
and protecting our country possible.
In light of 911 should this important issue be left to chance?
In their rush to lock up our public lands, do environmentalists support any
resource recovery that will support our economic system? Raw materials must
come from somewhere, are those raw materials coming from 3rd World Countries
with no oversight? Are we not capable of manufacturing products in a more
efficient and environmentally sound manner than the rest of the world that
has no oversight?
What level of GDP, does the environmental movement find acceptable, a -.10
percent GDP like Germany?
If we follow their environmental agenda, they promise us an ecological
nirvana, but at what cost? What economic and political system will bring
this ecological nirvana about? Will China, India and other growing economic
powers embrace their agenda? What about Islamic terrorists?
Will the environmental movement's economic / political ideology protect us
from current and future threats? Or do they see America as the source of all
that is evil in the world? Do they fear our freedom, the very freedom that
has made us the most modern and advanced country in the world?
Do they see America's abdication as the "Leviathan," i.e. the leading world
and economic power, as the key to the salvation of the world and the one
thing standing in the way of the fundamental ecological nirvana they seek; a
belief that has led some to commit crimes of eco-terrorism?
If this is so - as 911 has shown - they are not alone...
"Thus, the more socially and economically advanced the times, the more
necessary it is for the leaders to maintain a sense of their societies'
fallibility and vulnerability: that is the ultimate defense against
In our next update we will discuss resource recovery and their concept of
preservation that views nature as being in a "static state".
You are being given the opportunity to protect your freedom to access your
public lands by commenting on the future of your forests; please take this
responsibility seriously.
We will be evaluating and commenting on the forest plans before the comment
period ends in August. We will be releasing these comments to our supporters
to evaluate with an email address to the Forest Planning Team so you can
comment too. Please do your part to protect your access by visiting our web
site for this information or sign up on our email list to be kept informed
on the forest plans.
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