"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds"
-Samuel Adams
My friends and fellow activists:
I hope you have found these updates informative. I apologize for their
length, but these issues are complex, and cannot be explained in a single
sentence. The devil is always in the details, and the Sierra Club, the
Center for Biological Diversity and their allies in the environmental
movement have been successful because they realize this and hide behind
rhetoric such as "Protect and Restore our Forests!"
There is one disturbing aspect of the Sierra Club and CBD's goal to remove
access to our Forests by campaigning for the adoption of their Conservation
Alternative 6. Why hasn't the press reported on how this Alternative 6 would
affect the ability of the Forest Service to manage these National Forests
and the public's ability to access them? Why haven't the Sierra Club and CBD
demanded the press cover this story?
Many in the Forest Service agree that the Sierra Club and CBD are not being
honest with the public, and if you notice, no stories have been published on
what the effect on the public's recreational access would be if the Sierra
Club's and Center for Biological Diversity's Alternative 6 were to be
adopted as the preferred plan. There have been stories in the press
describing the chosen alternatives, and in each story the Sierra Club
criticizes these alternatives and claims these forests will be destroyed -
and advocates its Alternative 6 to save them.
Why haven't we had any stories that give the details of what effect the
Conservation Alternative 6 would have on the public's access and the Forest
Service's ability to manage these forests?
And at what cost? Would the funding be available? If the funding were not
available, and the Forest Service did not meet their timetables for all the
aspects of Alternative 6, could (and would) the environmental organizations
sue to close off many areas?
Why haven't we seen stories where they interview fire department officials,
whose firefighters' lives will be at stake, on the fire proposals being
advocated by the Sierra Club and CBD?
All they would have to do is ask the Forest Service. It would be a great
story to compare the chosen alternatives with alternative 6 and what their
respective effects would be on the Forest Service's ability to manage these
national forests, the danger they pose to firefighters' lives and the effect
they would have on the public's ability to access the forest.
On my email list I have reporters who cover these issues, including Pat
Brennan (pbrennan@ocregister.com),
the Environmental writer for the O.C.
Register (and other Register Reporters as well) and John Glionna, from the
L.A. Times (John.Glionna@latimes.com).
Why don't they cover this story, or
if nothing else, why isn't the Sierra Club asking for stories that tell the
public what the net affect of their policies would be and prove me a liar?
On Friday, June 18th 2004 I emailed Tim Allyn
(t.allyn@comcast.net), a
Sierra Club Associate Representative, Dan Silver
the Director of the Endangered Habitats League (a Sierra Club ally), Randall
Danta (rdanta@comcast.net),
the founder of the Sierra Club Mountain Bike
Committee, and Dave Pearlman (dperlmansr@cox.net),
a local Sierra Club leader the following challenge (they and the press have
received all my updates, including this one):
"I think it important that the Sierra Club and the Forest Service reveal to the public the net affect and the impact of their Alternative 6 compared to the alternatives chosen by the Forest Service.
Why don't you demand the press do an honest comparison of the Alternatives the Forest Service and the Sierra Club are proposing and their Respective effects on the ability of the Forest Service to manage our forest - and the public's ability to access them? Demand the Forest Service give their honest opinion on the effect each alternative will have on the previously mentioned.
The Warrior's Society, the Sierra Club, and the CBD have nothing to hide right?
None of us will fall prey to the saying "The emperor has no clothes" - right?
Give the details of what "Protect and Restore Our Forests" means.
Prove me a liar.
AKA 'Dances With Hornets'"
Ten Day's later on June 28th I sent another email to the press, Tim Allyn and others in Orange County who are affiliated with or local leaders of the Sierra Club, including their new Orange County Rep. Brittany Mckee (brittany.mckee@sierraclub.org):
I have not forgotten my request to you asking that you join me in demanding press coverage of the net affect the Sierra Club and Center for Biological Diversity's Alternative 6 would have on the Forest Service's ability to manage our forests and on the public's access.
I will not forget this email to you, or the promise I made to you over two years ago (that the Warrior's Society is a steadfast friend and a relentless enemy) when we first met to discuss the wilderness issue and you implied the Sierra Club knew best what to do with the land I have walked since I was a child; with arrogance you dismissed me - a fatal mistake as my fulfilled promise has proven.
The Sierra Club is morally bankrupt; it has embraced an illegitimate faith that has dismissed science and history.
I know the Sierra Club. I was once a believer. I have prepared for this for 25 years...
...I hope you have enjoyed my updates.
AKA 'Dances With Hornets'"
I have not heard a response from the Sierra Club, or the CBD or the or from
any reporters that was cc'd on these emails.
Why not?
It is the responsibility of all Americans to shine the light on the ideology
and motivation of any group that proposes policies that would be detrimental
to the public. The fact that the Sierra Club and the CBD refuses my
challenge to publicize the effects of their Alternative 6 shows their
arrogance and belief that the public cannot be trusted with their public
lands and that they best be kept ignorant.
No one can accuse me of being in the pocket of anyone, save for the debt I
own to my country for the freedom to succeed and to fail. I will repay that
debt till the end of my life - and woe to anyone that I feel is a threat to
that freedom. Only in freedom can we innovate, only in freedom can man
advance our culture to meet the challenges that face us.
The environmental movement does not respect our citizens but sees them as a
threat to their ideology, an ideology that has no admiration for our
freedom, economy or national security.
From their actions is seems that only the elite leaders of the environmental
movement are wise enough to form public policy and not the "bourgeois
masses," who must be kept uniformed and under control.
I ask you my friends, is it morally right for the Sierra Club and CBD to
compel citizens to support their position but not provide them with the
knowledge to make an informed decision? What is it about the Sierra Club's
and CBD's Alternative 6 that they feel it is best kept unexplained; that the
best course of action is to belittle the chosen Alternatives with statements
that destruction will follow if they are implemented and hide behind
rhetoric such as "Protect and Restore our forests!"?
When I cc'd the environmental writers for the Register and the Times (in my
email to the Sierra Club leaders) and demanded the press publicize the
effects of the Conservation Alternative 6, they ignored me and allowed the
Sierra Club and CBD to hide behind their rhetoric.
This last bastion of our freedom, the press, abdicated its responsibility -
why? Why aren't the Sierra Club and CBD demanding this coverage? Why aren't
they willing to defend it to the public? Is the press's bias blinding them?
Do we really value our freedom? What has happened to America?
How many of those who support the Sierra Club with their dollars earned by
working for small and "Big Business" that the Sierra Club hates would
support them if the Sierra Club educated them on the consequences of
supporting the Sierra Club's and CBD's Alternative 6? Does the Sierra Club
find it's inspiration in Jefferson, Madison and Lincoln - or in Marx, Lenin
and Stalin?
Now is the time for the Sierra Club and CBD to defend their alternative to
the public, not hide behind their rhetoric. They only have until August
11th, when the deadline for public comments end, or is that your plan; to
hide under a rock until the comment period ends?
Has the Sierra Club become so confident in their power and millions raised
from a blindly trusting public that it is not truth they find comfort in but
their own arrogance?
"Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large
or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of
the enemy."
-Winston Churchill
Sierra Club and CBD, defend your proposals for firefighting to the
firefighters and the public:
Forest Plan Alert part I
Defend your road removal and mountain biking proposals to the public and
tell them they'll have to give up 60 to 70 percent of their historical
Forest Plan Alert part II
Forest Plan Alert part III
And to the press that has ignored and abetted the actions of the Sierra Club
- Shame, Shame, Shame.
I will be sending out suggested Forest Plan comments for you to submit to
the Forest Service in a couple of days. Please show the Sierra Club, the CBD
(and the press) you will not be fooled by their corruptive tactics.
That would be the best revenge.
If you missed our past Forest Plan Updates:
What's at Stake Part I (fire management)
What's at Stake Part II (roads/Access)
What's at Stake Part III (mountain biking)
What's at Stake Part IV (Vision)
What's at Stake Part V (The Wildlands Project)
What's at Stake Part VI (Ideology - Economic/Political)
What's at Stake Part VII (Ideology - Nature)
What's at Stake Part VIII (Ideology - 3rd World Development)
What's at Stake part IX: (Tree Harvesting / Resource Recovery)
you can view them by clicking on the "view recent forest plan alerts" drop down list on the top of this page.
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