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The 2024 Toad Festival

Chris making lunch Event swag Darshan Some of the riders Swag close up
Toad Festival shirt

After many years of missing in action the Toad Festival poker and fun ride made a successful return!

We were blessed with great weather and a great staging area at O'Neill Park. Everyone won a prize thanks to our wonderful sponsors California Fish Grill, which provided $500 worth of $15 and $25 dollar gift cards, as well as Shimano. We also had Native style Jackets as prizes. Next year we plan on adding a tire toss, darts and horse shoes to the mix for extra credit in addition to the poker cards. We had a great lunch of carne asada, El Pastor and marinated chicken tacos with all the fixings; no one went home hungry or without a prize.

Our next event will be the Saturday, December 7th Christmas Tree Ride up BlackStar to Beek's Place. The Beek's have been kind enough to allow us use of their cabin and we will be cooking pancakes and breakfast burritos for our Associate Members once they reach the top where the tree we decorate is (no event shirts for this event). The Christmas Tree Ride is open to the public but the breakfast is only for Associate Members.

We will still be having the Vision Quest and Counting Coup (also only open to Associate Members) as the Forest North of Maple Springs will be open. At the Christmas Tree Ride we will be discussing with Associate Members what route we should do for each event using the North side of the forest. We will also vote on the design for the Vision Quest and Counting Coup event shirt design.

We have decided to limit Associate Membership to 50 and we have 14 spots left. Membership is annual (running May to May) and includes the Beach Ride, Toad Festival, Christmas Tree Ride and Vision Quest and Counting Coup. These events will not be open to the public, only Associate Members. For information on Associate Membership email us at: Sanofan.chris@gmail.com

Thanks to all our Associate members who participated in the Toad Festival and thanks to the following club members who acted as support:

Special thanks to Debbie "Lozen" Brown, Erik "Fears No Challenge" Brown, Dave "Speaks The Wind" Allen" and Chip "Talks To Foxes" Leopard for organizing the Route the participants took.

See you at the Christmas Tree Ride!

– Chris "Dances With Hornets" Vargas - Chief and founding member of the Warrior's Society