11/10/16 Warrior’s Society Event News

The Counting Coup event has filled up to the 175 limit. Due the fact that there seems to be more demand for the Counting Coup we have decided to add 50 positions to that race and subtract 50 from the Vision Quest. Per our Forest Service permit we can have a maximum of 350 participants for both events. This will also make it easier on the support staff since the Vision Quest is much harder to support.

With the changes the Vision Quest will now have a limit of 125  riders and the Counting Coup 225. Per those new numbers we now have 32 spots left in the Vision Quest and 50 in the Counting Coup. 

Below is the event information:

Saturday, April 8th Vision Quest:

Saturday, April 8th Counting Coup:

Saturday, May 13th Trabuco Challenge:

The events are part of the King and Queen of the Santa Ana Mountains Series

The Vision Quest is the pro-class race in the series and the Counting Coup is the Intermediate Class in the series. The Trabuco Challenge is the final race of the series. 

Vision Quest Information:

Counting Coup Information:

Trabuco Challenge Information:

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